AuctionInc's ShipCalc is a "stand-alone" shipping calculator that provides accurate multi-carrier shipping rates from your shipping origin to any destination. You can use this tool anywhere on the Internet, including your website, web store, or even classified listing. Shoppers can then view the shipping methods you offer and your customized rates. You can also use this tool "in-house" to easily look up rates yourself or to quote rates to customers on the phone. Offers the ability to combine shipping for multiple items, include your flexible handling charges, and calculate insurance and taxes. ShipCalc is not integrated with a checkout process and cannot integrate with your existing checkout; use our ShopCart or our cart plugin modules for a full ecommerce solution.
- Save $$$ by eliminating costly shipping errors
- Reduce shipping related emails
- Use in-house or for your call center to calculate shipping "on-the'-fly"
- Accurate shipping and sales tax are automatically calculated
- Instantly calculate shipping for multiple items
- UPS, USPS, FEDEX, and DHL rates
- Suitable for fixed-priced auction listings

Time Sellers who use the Paid ShipCalc [Shipping Calculator] have less emails and correspondence and save time trying to figure out the best shipping method for the customer.
Increase website sales Often additional items can be shipped together for little more than the initial shipping cost. Buyers can easily determine the shipping of multiple items and thereby are enticed to purchase more items from you.
Turn Losses Into Profit Make money on shipping by pre-configuring your handling charges with flexible options based on fixed amount and/or percentages.
Use the Paid ShipCalc Anywhere on the Web! Our calculator can be used anywhere on the web. Just configure your settings, generate the HTML and paste into your website.
Carrier Services
- Domestic - FedEx, USPS, UPS, DHL
- International - USPS, UPS,FedEx with addition of the Global Module
- Supports Fixed Fee Shipping
- Package Items Together
- Volume/Dimension Packaging
- Handle Product Lots
Handling Fees
- Fixed and/or Variable Options
- Set Fee Minumums and Maximums
- Carrier Service-Specific Fees
- Item-Specific Fees
Additional Features
- 3rd Party Insurance Override
- Delivery Confirmation
- Optional Insurance
- Insurance Threshholds
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